Saturday, November 10, 2012


Important please note, you are welcome to share and use the information contained in this blog, but please acknowledge PACUB when you do so, Thank you.

 On saturday the 3rd of November we dusted off the PACUB- protest against cuts to child benefit  banner


Joined  Organisers 

''Parents against Child Benefit Cuts''

We Marched to Lenister house ,we were not thousands but we sounded like thousands. 
 we were heard and supported, over all a very positive day and we all agreed it was the start and we would continue on fighting the Government against any cuts to child benefit. 

Watch out for both Banners again on the 24 of October when we March in solidarity with other groups against cuts

Our aim is to have our message heard

''Leave child Benefit alone ''

 Pacub would also like to say a huge well done to Parents against child benefit cuts, who done an excellent job on organising the event. not an easy job to do with no big support network behind you.

Some pictures from the day and newspaper coverage 


And we are off 

Speech,The first speaker Hazel from Parents against child benefit cuts.


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